Thursday, January 28, 2016

Future Posts...

Helllllloooooooo readers!

It's late January, yes...I know...but here are some of my attempted resolutions for the new year.

I still can't believe it's 2016...and you know what's odd?

The fact that I'm not writing 2015 instead of 2016, noooo, instead, I'm writing July...2016.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?  Also, I am soooooo not prepared to face the new know how some people take the new year head on and make all sorts of impressive resolutions saying, "this year will be better"?  Yeah...I'm not one of those people...I want to go back to 2010 and hide there worries, no...other stuff.


Now, as you people all know, procrastination is a dear friend of mine...BUT, I have many posts planned for 2016...assuming I'll get to them at's a "sneak peek"...

*some of you people may be wondering, why don't you just WRITE the posts instead of TELLING us you're going to write it?  To those people I would say, hey...I'm procrastinating the writing of posts by writing a post about what I will post.  Deal with it.  Hmph.

  • I Have A...Boyfriend? - okay so, yes, you people will love to hear all about my private love life, wouldn't you? For those of you who understand Foochow: beckpo! Beckpobeckpobeckpo!  Haahahahahaha! I'll also discuss what "love" means to me (wow, "discuss" sounds kinda about, verbal vomit? Yes, that's better...or, or...I'm going to borrow one of my teacher's terms here: verbal diarrhea...)  And, yes, I know that a certain someone is waiting anxiously to read that might have to wait awhile...there is  Much.  Stuff.  I might even decide NOT to post might end up being too personal because I'll write out all these feelings, and stuff I'm frustrated and angry about, and things I wish would happen, but don't seem likely, aaaaaaaaaaaand, I'll just shut it now...

  • Biology - I have this "friend" in biology, and oooh...*sigh of utter happiness* I love biology so much. No, it's not because I'm one of the stronger students (teacher's words, not mine), and scored over 90% in his class, but...I actually enjoy learning...and this "friend" of mine...well, we had an interesting experiment experience I found quite hilarious (of course, it could just be me, I DO laugh really easily, buuut...I'd like to share it with you anyway, of course, that is, assuming that by the time I write it, I'll remember what I'm talking about...).

  • Technology and Me (or is it "I"?) - for those of you who don't know me as and I don't get along. Unfortunately. I'll probably also complain about my experience with Windows 10.  And how I suspect it to be the cause of many of my laptop issues...

  • My ACTUAL Immortal Fish - you know how I have my immortal fish at the bottom of the site?  If you scroll all the way doesn't show up on mobile, if you don't see it...anyways...I actually do happen to have a fish...and it hasn't died. This surprises me.

  • Foochow - this is the language I first learned to speak...although...I don't speak it as often as I'd's kinda sad, considering how I haven't met anyone who knows it...SOMEONE LEARN THIS LANGUAGE SO WE CAN CONVERSE. (heyo person who wants to know what bocholong means...maybe I might finally reveal it here....tee hee!)

  • Guzheng - for those of you who don't know what a guzheng's a Chinese instrument, which I happen to be learning at the moment (warning: some self-loathing will be seen here).

  • Night Problems - I used to have traumatic nightmares, okay?  I sometimes also have trouble falling know how some people count sheep? Yeah...I've been desperate enough to try that...I think I got to a few hundred before I lost count and was too frustrated to try again. Also, I self-loathe myself to sleep, too.

  • I Am A Failure - again, self-loathing alert!

  • The Link To My Blog - if I gave you the link to my blog, consider yourself lucky (or cursed). But I have come to discover the issues of giving out the link to my blog to people I care about, or people I trust.
  • New Year's Resolution - fine. Yes, I'm late. I'm also procrastinating. Do you see how many other posts I want to write?!  Do you see how long each of my posts are?!  I'm giving myself until the end of January. SOMEONE REMIND ME IF I FORGET.
  • Valentine's Day - for the first time in ever, Valentine's Day will have much more meaning to me (see first bullet) than ever before.  Hmm...maybe I'll type out my dreams and expectations...expecting the worse, but hoping for the best...? *shrugs*  I'm not too sure if I should post this, knowing that this info might be...uh...
  • Driving - I'm 16! And you know what that means...too bad I have too many excuses not to study the book and take the test...(yes, okay, I hear you, Mom and Dad. You want me to learn how to drive so that I can drive YOUR kids to school, so that you can stay home and relax...)

  • A Question of Name Changes - mmh, so you may be sensing something negative here...and you'd be right. I AM questioning the changing of names...
  • Church - this might be a bit of a negative post as well...possibly long, too...
  • I'm Very Easily Scared - for those of you who know me well, you know how easily you can scare me...I will vomit more details in this post.
  • Social Media - I'm not very can see where this is going, right?
  • Insecurities - regular ol' me and my insecurities...I suggest you skip this one if you don't feel like reading a pathetically pathetic girl type out her...issues...
  • Living In My Own World - do you ever think yourself ignorant of the world and the events that take place in it?  Well, I can probably beat your ignorance.  Or make you feel better about yourself, knowing that you're not the most ignorant person on this planet.  Again, some self-loathing may be seen here, required, even. And prepared to read about how ignorantly ignorant I truly am.
  • The F-Word - my...strange potty mouth?  My ignorance with swear words and words that are considered dirty? I don't know how I could explain this one without giving it all away....

  • I Want To Love You Chemistry! - you've read about my intense hatred of chemistry, right? If not...I've graciously provided the link for you here to read at your convenience. You can apply that knowledge here...
...and the list goes on...

I might or might not get to most of I should put higher on my priority list? Requests?  I'll most likely add a whole bunch of other stuff, too.....

Plans/goals you hope to accomplish by the end of 2016?
Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Concerns?

1 comment:

  1. Love makes the world go 'roundFebruary 2, 2016 at 7:53 AM

    There are so many post ideas! You should go by numeric (probably not the correct spelling)order, so first topic first :D Jokes!


    No seriously, you should.


Woo! Thanks for your comment!


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