Monday, April 11, 2016

I Dissected A...





If there's one thing I despise about would be the labs.  Or the dissections...but wait...dissectionsarelabssoit'sallgoodnevermind. reason for despising dissection so much stems from many things...two in particular.
  • PETA-through PETA, I have discovered the nasty world of dissection and how there are much more humane ways to go about this.  Since I've been acquainted with PETA, I've leaned that there are ways to get out of dissecting animals...apparently...I have a right to ask for an alternative...and an alternative I will be given.  
  • It's disgusting-okay, yes.  I'm going to be cruel and selfish and say that this is my main reason.  Sure, the dissection of animals is unfair to the animals...but that isn't my main concern...sorry animals.  The smell. reeks of all things rotten...blech!

Anyways...I've dissected a sheep's eyeball back in grade 8, and a chicken wing...also in grade 8.  It was nasty.  I even remember the smell of the eyeball...and the way the liquid squirted out when I try to pierce something...I think it was the sclera?  


So.  On the day I walked into biology class...expecting an uneventful, FUN, and informative class, the teacher announces that the dissection of sea stars will be on today's agenda.  

Noo!  I didn't get to talk to the teacher about not wanting to do dissections!  PETA even has all these reasons for why dissection isn't all THAT useful...and they have all these resources...and...and....

*PETA even has this option for you to give them your teacher's email, and they will send an anonymous email to the teacher.

And so.  Very begrudgingly, I sat my butt down on the chair and proceeded to...convince my partner that she should do the dissection.  I convinced her very convincingly.  My partner...also equally terrified of germs, bacteria, and the great unknown.  In fact, she's maybe even more squeamish than me...and that's impressive, because I can be extremely squeamish.  BUT!  I succeeded!  I conviced her that it was in her best interest to do the dissection because she would learn more...she craves her straight perfect marks as much as I do...yes, I am proud.  Actually, no, I'm not.

So...correction, when I said that I dissected a sea star...I meant...I directed a dissection...I didn't actually DO any dissecting...thank goodness.

So...I did the tamer part of the job: I read the instructions and guided her on what to do next.  After all, the teacher did say that we're in partners for a directs, the other does.

I suppose the period wasn't completely wasted on me...I learned that sea stars have a madreporite that regulates water flow...and digestive glands...that look green...and, and reproductive organs, also known as gonads...and they were less gross, but still gross.

We had to...had to...c-cut...o-o-off one of the...the...arms...and she just...snipped it...right off...aaaah!

It was...*shiver*

It was...really... *shiver*

*somebody!  Can't you see I'm shivering...get me a blanket, it'll help...I think...

I was equally fascinated and disgusted...appalled by the wretched stink.  Well, my partner and I both made it through it...mostly unscathed....

But next time I'll be prepared with my letter...ah, maybe.

What animals have you dissected?

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