Thursday, May 28, 2015

Review: Books I Read For School

Crossroads by Michael CrannyThe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

Hi people, here are some short reviews for books that I had to read for school.  Not sure why I bothered reviewing them but...

Title: Crossroads: A Meeting of Nations
Author: Michael Cranny
Read: September 14-June 13, 2014
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Ehhh, what can I say? It's my social studies textbook...but I definitely leaned a lot of things...that I'll probably forget in about a few months

Title: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Author: Sherman Alexie
Read: November 20-December 2, 2014
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

I read this book for my English class, and when I looked over the book, I thought: this book is...different...
I haven't read books with pictures for a long time, so this book was a nice change. When I first read the synopsis, I thought this book wasn't going to be really interesting, because I don't usually read this genre of books. Once I started reading the first few chapters, I started to really like it. I finished it within a few days, which is quite fast for me, since I'm a really slow reader. It was funny like everyone else said, but it also had a lot of sad parts. Overall, it was unexpectedly great, and it made me miss reading picture books.

  Romeo and Juliet by Kenneth RoyTitle: Romeo and Juliet
Author: Kenneth Roy 
Read: May 1-28, 2015
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Ah. The tragic story of Romeo and Juliet. After years and years of hearing what its about, I finally got to read the story for myself. And what a wonderfully tragic story is was. First thing that surprized me was the sexual stuff. Well, I didn't know it was referring to sexual stuff until the teacher pointed it out, but still. I also realised how unrealistic this play is. I mean, two people falling in love at first sight, getting married before the week is over, and dying because of each other is something that I don't see happening in real life. And I'm so glad it doesn't.

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