Read: August 4-8, 2014
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Oh, my..........I honestly don't know what to say about this book...
Hmmm...this book definitely surprized me, in a good way...in a very good way...
At times, I was so frustrated I wanted to throw the book, at other times, I wanted to hug it...
But now that I've finished it, I feel like I don't know what to do with my life anymore...
I want a sequel continuing where Travis and Pigeon left off, but I feel that if it continued, it would ruin the perfect ending...but I want more...oh, I don't know what to think, I feel like my brain just turned to mush after I finished this...
(this book deserves a much better review than I can ever possibly dream of writing, I just don't have the right words to describe it's perfection)

Title: Walking Disaster
August 20-22, 2015
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
After reading Beautiful Disaster, I couldn't wait to read this. When I finally got it, I started reading it right away. It was great, understanding why Travis did the things he did, but while I was reading in his point of view, Abby really annoyed me. She was so ignorant about their relationship for more than half of the book. It was so frustrating, sometimes, Abby and Travis were finally becoming closer, then Abby would pull away again, or some other problem would arise to pull them apart. I did enjoy reading about the parts I didn't get to know about in Beautiful Disaster, like when Travis got the ring, or when Travis's cousin and brother helped him get through the days without Abby. The ending was also a surprize, I got to learn about what happened in the future. I wish Travis' and Abby's story didn't have to end, but it did, and it was a perfect ending. Great book.
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