Monday, July 18, 2016

Review: Perfect: The Call by Scarlet D'Vore

Perfect: The Call
Read: June 30-July 14, 2016
Rating: 3 of 5 stars
Pages: 248
Genres: fantasy

Blurb from Goodreads:

"Lauren, Riley and Apple are outcasts in their high school in Grand Blanc, Michigan when Victoria, a unique species known as ‘Perfects’, enters the human realm and befriends them with her enticing gifts of being superhuman. The three are blown away by the possibilities and are unable to ignore the addictive beauty of Victoria’s colourful realm. 
They sacrifice their old existence and accept her traumatic touch in order to become Hybrid Perfects. Yet soon after their reality is transformed by the unexplainable, not even travelling across the globe through doorway portals is worth the consequences from the white lies told, stealing innocent people’s free will, or the act of cold-blooded murder. Can Lauren, Riley and Apple endure the dark brutality of their new world long enough to take back what they were willing to forfeit just to be superhuman? Can earth survive the Perfect invasion?"

I won this book through Library Thing, and I admit, it took me forever to finish reading it, oh well. I finished it, and that's what matters, right? Right. Okay, good.

Monday, July 4, 2016

A Cringeworthy Interview

Hello everyone!

Yes, yes, I's been a while since I've posted anything.  I know what you're thinking....

Elizabeth!  You're on summer vacation already!  Meaning, you don't have to go to school and complete copious amounts of homework anymore, what's your excuse now, huh?  HUH?

Okay, so maybe that isn't exactly what you were thinking, but it was close enough, yes?  Good. Besides, I DO have an excuse.  I went camping for a few days....and then....summer school.....!

I'll definitely try to write a post of my wretched camping experience as soon as possible, buuut, I

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