Hello peoples! So...being the average sixteen year old girl I am, I listen to music. Well, I don't listen to music from my phone or ipod...no earbuds for me...apparently they're bad for my ears. These ears of mine have to last me my whole life.
Here's a little fact for you...or a few pieces of facts...did you know that you have this organ in your ear called the cochlea? And in this cochlea, you have thousands of hair cells (neural receptors) that detect sound and convey them to your brain? Without these
very important hair cells to convey sounds to electrical signals, you
CAN'T hear.
And here's the best part, ready?
These hair cells do
NOT regenerate. Meaning: you damage them, and they're never going to magically revive themselves...they won't go though mitosis and grow again. They won't.
These hair cells are
so easy to damage.
Too easy...they can be damaged by loud explosions, or continuous exposure to loud sounds. Allow me to list some examples for you...
- playing in a band
- attending loud concerts
- lawnmowers
- and let's not forget the most important one: listening to music through earbuds or headphones for extended periods of time...
Case in point: can we keep it down, please? I'm terribly afraid of loud noises (okay, so I jump at loud sneezes, and I know, believe me, I KNOW, it's unfair to ask people to sneeze quieter), and it would be so
nice to not be jumping at every loud sound...but of course, that's too much to ask, isn't?
...so assuming I live a long life (I'm hoping for at least 80?) I want to take good care of them. But, even though I may not constantly have earbuds plugged in my ear, I do however, love listening to the radio...